In business, media, marketing, sports, politics, entertainment, and nearly every other facet of our lives, our world increasingly relies on data.

Real estate is no exception.

As a Texas REALTOR®, 您可以独家访问一个新的在线工具,其中包括一些最全面的, accurate real estate data available. The MarketViewer portal enables you to view key statistics for geographical boundaries you choose.

What information is available?

When you access the MarketViewer dashboard at, you will see monthly residential sales statistics for the state. 您可以更改三个市场选择字段以查看其他地理区域, down to individual neighborhoods in many cases.

The initial screen displays median price, closed sales, active listings, days on market, days to close, months inventory, and the price distribution of residential sales. 但这只是MarketViewer数以千万计的数据点所提供的信息的冰山一角.

Other available geographical boundaries include county, metropolitan area, city, ZIP code, school district, neighborhood, state and federal political districts, and city council districts,
where available.

You also can view the statistics compiled on a quarterly or annual basis. Most data in MarketViewer is available back to January 2015.

Create your own infographics to share


你也可以生成吸引人的和容易分享的信息图表,通过电子邮件发送, post to Facebook or Twitter, or add to your other communications and marketing materials. To create an infographic, click Menu at the top-left corner of the dashboard, then select “Infographic Generator.” Select the parameters for the data you want, then choose the type of file you would like to download.

Data for rentals, development, and more

In addition to residential sales, you can find metrics on apartment rents and vacancies (provided by Reis, Inc.), new construction stats (provided by Metrostudy), and historical mortgage-rate information (provided by Freddie Mac). Access these categories by clicking Menu in the top-left corner of MarketViewer.

Why this data is more accurate than other sources

The accuracy of the data in MarketViewer is unparalleled. 由于基础数据直接来自德克萨斯州各地的本地mss,因此它代表了实际销售额. Many real estate data sources rely heavily on imprecise inputs such as estimates, algorithms, or tax appraisals. Data experts at the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M大学使用几个“数据清洗”例程来纠正其他2021十大正规彩票app数据源中常见的问题. 分析房屋销售的异常情况,比如有四间卧室没有浴室的房子, or a property listed at $470,000 that reportedly sold for $4,700,000. Correcting errors like these produces more-accurate results.

2021十大正规彩票app中心还确保MarketViewer数据不会因单笔销售被多次计算而扭曲. In some data sources, 如该物业已订立多次买卖合约,则可将该物业的买卖纪录两次或以上. To ensure that each sale is only tallied once, MarketViewer数据中反映的属性根据精确的地理位置(一块2021十大正规彩票app的确切纬度和经度)进行分类. If multiple sales appear in the data from the exact same geo-location, that sale is only counted one time.
MLS reports typically include only properties that were entered into that MLS. However, MarketViewer中的报告反映了发生在地理边界内的所有2021十大正规彩票app销售,而不管列表来自哪个MLS.

Due to these efforts to create the best, most reliable data, MarketViewer的统计数据可能与您自己的MLS的统计数据不匹配, even when comparing the same time period.

Where did MarketViewer come from?

In 2015, the Texas REALTORS® launched the Texas REALTOR® Data Relevance Project, a partnership that included local REALTOR® associations and their MLSs. 该项目是通过与德克萨斯大学2021十大正规彩票app中心的一项研究协议实现的&M University. 数据关联项目为当地2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会提供了全面的本地数据,协会可以与会员和当地媒体分享. 许多当地的REALTOR®协会一直在新闻稿中使用数据相关项目的数据和信息图表, in member communications, and on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels.

The MarketViewer dashboard launched in April 2018 to give local associations—and, for the first time, 个人德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®-一个易于使用的在线工具,利用强大的数据和分析德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®数据相关项目.

MarketViewer帮助Texas REALTORS®快速了解整个州众多地理区域的市场统计数据. With this information, 当地协会和个人会员可以将Texas REALTORS®定位为德克萨斯州的权威声音
real estate.

MarketViewer旨在增强REALTORS®从mss接收的数据,而不是取代它. The larger, MarketViewer提供的更深入的本地数据集可帮助Texas REALTORS®在买家和卖家之间设定准确的期望,并帮助您和您的客户在数据驱动的世界中做出更好的决策.

Make sure to hover
通过将鼠标放在仪表板上的单个数据上,您可以快速获得对市场数据的更深入的了解. (On tablets, tap the data). You will see additional statistics such as trends over time, further breakouts of data, and percentage increases or decreases from previous reporting periods.

For example, if you place your mouse over a month’s median price, 会弹出一个图表,显示从2015年1月到当月的每月中位数价格趋势线. 您可能需要将光标悬停在数据点上一两秒钟,或者单击该数据点以查看其他信息.

MarketViewer Quick Start Guide

  • Visit
  • Log in with your password.
    1. Under Market Selector on the left side of the dashboard, choose your local association from the first dropdown menu.
    2. Choose the market type you want to view from the second dropdown menu.
    3. Choose the individual market from the options in the third dropdown menu.
    4. If you want to view data from previous months, use the Choose Month option.
      通过将光标放置在每个单独的数据块上(在平板电脑上),可以发现额外的信息, tap the data).


  • Comprehensive market reports
  • Apartment stats
  • New construction data
  • Mortgage rate history
  • Infographic generator.

MarketViewer FAQs


是的,您可以从MarketViewer下载截图并生成信息图表,以便与任何人共享. However, you cannot give other people direct access to MarketViewer, since it is an exclusive member benefit for Texas REALTORS®.

When is new data released?

新的市场分析将在月底后大约30天提供给Texas REALTORS®.

How do I know what the boundaries are for a particular geographical selection?

Access the Geography Viewer by clicking Menu at the top-left of the dashboard.

Why isn’t the neighborhood or city council district I’m looking for listed?


Where do I send feedback or questions about MarketViewer?

Send us an email